Tuesday 7 December 2010

Amazing Japanese Tattoo Designs Especially Japanese Dragon Tattoo Picture Gallery

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Thursday 28 October 2010

Sexy Ankle Tattoo Designs For Women

Have you been thinking about getting a sexy ankle tattoo design? Ankle tattoos have been around for a long time and have always been a very popular place to get a tattoo for women. There are a variety of reasons for this they are very sexy, easily hidden when needed and there are a ton of great designs that work well on a female ankle. Below you will find some great ideas for ankle tattoo designs for women.

Ankle Tattoos Are Easily Hidden

One of the best things about ankle tattoo designs are they can easily be hidden by wearing a pair of shoes and socks. If you work in a job wear bearing a tattoo is not acceptable then you can just cover it easily. However, if you want to show off your tattoo just take off the socks or wear a pair of sexy sandals to bring attention to your ankles.

Ankle Tattoo Ideas

There are a wide variety of different ankle tattoos and one of the most important things to consider when trying to choose the design that is just right for you is to choose something that has symbolic significance to you. It might be a flower that is of special important or even the names of your children. Whatever it is you will be much happier with your tattoo if you put some time into carefully considering the design that you want.

Some of the most popular ankle tattoo designs are: Celtic, tribal, Hawaiian, dolphin tattoos.

Typical Costs

One of the best things about ankle tattoos is they are often not very expensive. Of course if you are looking to really save money and don't have much to spend you can simply get some of the flash that is in the tattoo shop you go to. However, this is not really the recommended way and instead it is better to choose a design that you create and holds significance for you. Even though it costs more to have an artist create a design for you in the end you will be much happier with the resulting tattoo. Ankle tattoos are pretty small and can most frequently be done in only one sitting a few hours tops. Thus means they will often be rather inexpensive. A typical tattoo will cost between $50 to $200 dollars.

Tattoo Pain

Pain is very subjective and what is unbearable to one person is no big deal to another person. Therefore it is hard to state clearly how painful the tattoo will be. However the easiest way to consider if a tattoo will be more or less painful is to think about the amount of tissue between where the tattoo will be done and bone. If there is not a lot of other tissue in the area that the tattoo is most likely going to be more painful. Therefore an ankle tattoo can be more painful then an arm tattoo design.

Tuesday 26 October 2010

Female Chest Tattoos

When it comes to picking female chest tattoos, there aren't many ways to go about it. The route that most people choose, though, is leading them right to the galleries that don't care about the quality of the artwork they present to people, and just pack their pages with any generic design imaginable. If you want to see real, high quality female chest tattoos, two fast tips will make a world of difference.
Female Chest Tattoos
The reason I wanted to share this is simple. More and more people are settling on horribly generic tattoo designs. Worst of all, 99% of them fully regret doing it in less than a month. That's a shocking number, but it's par for the course. Too many people are rushing their decision, because they keep seeing the same cookie cutter artwork in every corner of the internet. Do you know how to stop this in it's tracks when searching for female chest tattoos? You just avoid search engines like they have the plague.
Female Chest Tattoos
Tip #1: Your best shot at keeping a fair distance way from that horrible artwork is to completely stop using search engines to look for tattoo galleries. They never supply you with decent lists of galleries any more. The web has become overrun with these generic laced artwork sites and have pushed all of the better places out of the search results. The good news is that there are still tons of sites that will be packed with amazing female chest tattoos. How will you find them, though? This is also easy.
Female Chest Tattoos
Tip #2: You find them by allowing large forums to show you where they are. It might sound weird, but it's as simple as this: Pick any bigger type of forum and immediately slide into their archives. It's such a vast place, where hundreds of topics about tattoo artwork will be available to pick through. It's where names and links to the sensational galleries that other people have found have been shared and you reap the benefits. Just a tiny bit of reading will bring you to original, fresh, high quality female chest tattoos. No more generic junk will stand in your way.

Neck Tattoos - Are They Sexy?

The art of Neck Tattoos, is it really considered to look sexy? The neck, or the nape of the neck is known to be a sensual part of the body, therefore tattoos placed in this location will certainly look sexy. Neck tattoos were originally reserved for men but now there are more and more women indulging in this form of body art, and they look sensational. MY opinion is that the quality of the artwork, type of design and the location would determine whether it looks sexy or not.

Men often have tattoos done on the side or front of the neck, where as women tend to place them on the nape or back of the neck. Bold masculine designs such as a scull, tribal art, a cross, animals and snakes are forms of tattoos that men tend to prefer, but even a flower such as a rose on the side of the neck have the effects of being masculine when done by a good tattooist.

Depending on the individual, women tend to have beautiful delicate designs tattooed to the back or nape of the neck. The choice of tattoo design preferred for the neck area of a woman are small delicate images. Designs such as zodiac symbols, stars, flowers, butterflies, music related notes, a cross and other miniature symbols look cool and sexy when inked to the nape.

In general, back of neck tattoos are popular as it is an area that can easily be concealed when desired. Due to the fact that certain employees do not allow tattoos to be noticeable at the workplace, one can cover the neck tattoo by wearing collard shirts, turtle neck tops or hiding it under the hair. Back of neck tattoos are usually a starting point or a beginning of a cool back tattoo design.

Select the best design that is suitable to your theme or personality. For obvious reasons, it is not advisable to have the names of loved ones permanently etched to any part of your body. Consider a design or symbol that represents the idea or feeling you want to evoke, all that limits you is your imagination. Finding sexy neck tattoos is exciting and less stressful with the large database of designs on line that you can browse through at your convenience. Make the right choice, find the database with the best designs suitable for you and get inked!

Sunday 24 October 2010

Cross Tattoos

Cool Cross Tattoos Designs - Different styles and what they mean

Tattoos are now becoming more and more popular than ever in history. That is Cross Tattooshow they express their feelings and beliefs, and for some to get intimate with someone they idolized. This is what they wear with pride.

Tattoos are the latest trends come in all shapes and sizes and can be done in any part of the body, including teeth. Other fans would prefer to tattoo - Cool cross tattoos different styles and what they mean something that is important for the expression of feelings and moods.

Most boys prefer tribal symbols of art, Sanskrit or Japanese script and the Aztecs. While, on the other hand, the girls love interest, a group of angels, hearts, or the name of the guy on the body (very mushy). In addition, people prefer to have tattoos on his arms and chest, to develop a broader and Cross Tattoosmore ambitious and to be rounded and design for them and symmetrical shoulders. Women prefer to have it on the calves and lower back.

This is a wonderful experience for signs. It makes you more proud of yourself and your design. Nevertheless, it can be a terrible experience for some that they like they've never gone through this experience.

There are some who have decided to decorate their body cross tattoos designs, styles and what they mean, how they express their religious beliefs. They believe that the design of their bodies one way or another, how to connect them to the spiritual side, and that their tattoos more than an icon, which is typical of other believers. However, this is a big mistake to assume that-Cool cross tattoos Cross TattoosDifferent styles and what they mean is the Christian faith. Those who chose a tattoo of the cross may be other reasons.

Anchor cross symbolizes the hope for Christians facing difficult times. Anchors are used in the martyrdom of St. Clement, when he tied her up and threw into the sea.

Greek cross is recognized today as a symbol of the Red Cross, are identical in all four hands.

Celtic cross is a symbol that combines the cross with a ring. Legend has it that the cross was introduced by St. Patrick in an attempt to change the pagan Irish to Christianity. rings symbolize the former god of the sun earlier pagan religions, connecting with a new confidence.

Maltese Cross is generally accepted that the four arms of the cross to stand four cardinal virtues - prudence, temperance, justice andCross Tattoos courage.

inverted cross was originally represented humility of the apostle Peter in martyrdom. But today, as a rule, the opposite: satanism and the humiliation of Christ.

Iron Cross was adopted as the Iron Cross in Prussia. During the First World War, he appeared on German fighter planes and tanks.

Saturday 23 October 2010

Tattoos-Popular Tattoo Designs for Girls - YUX4DHMRZMPD

Girls are always asking me what tattoos they should get or what I think are the hottest tattoos for girls. Unfortunately there is no clear cut answer simply because there are as many different types of tattoos are there are girls. What one person might find sexy another might consider unattractive or very unfeminine.

Certain styles of tattoos might not suit the image you want to project. For example certain work environments may not accept highly visible tattoos even though tattoos are becoming more and more accepted. It may be wise to hold off getting that sacred heart tattoo emblazoned across your chest if your boss is going to flip out if (s)he sees it!

So in saying that what I hope to do in this short article is offer my insight and experience within the tattoo industry for the past 9 or 10 years and point out the current tattoo trends and what the most popular styles of tattoos are for girls. At the end of the day you want a tattoo that has lasting appeal and not a tattoo that was done on a whim. If I give you some good ideas for your next tattoo all the better...

Trends come and go. What was cool ten years ago is no longer cool. In the nineties certain types of tattoos such as cartoon characters like Betty Boop, barbed wire armbands and dolphins were in. Looking at them now they appear very cheesy and basic.

Tattoo art has come such a long way in the past few years even. Certain styles of tattoos have become perennial and have risen to a point where they are getting the respect and acknowledged they deserve for their intricacy and artistry.

Styles as diverse as Japanese tattoos, Indian/Hindu tattoos, Anime, Traditional American and Floral designs are raising the bar higher and higher and becoming increasingly popular.

Alongside that is the fact that people are beginning to see their skin as a human canvas and not just settling for random tattoos placed haphazardly on a part of the body that is hidden. Nowadays more and more girls are getting larger tattoos and more of them.

This may explain the popularity of Japanese tattoos. In traditional Japanese tattoos each character has a meaning and interacts with the other tattoo designs as part of the whole.

The same is true for Traditional American tattoos. Previously what were once done as individual tattoos from disparate elements of American culture are now being woven into an organic and is more like a story unfolding.

Top Five Most Popular Tattoos for Girls

Irezumi - Traditional Japanese tattoos - More and more girls are asking for large tattoo designs such as koi fish, dragons on their hips, back and arms.

Traditional American tattoos - Old school 'Sailor Jerry' tattoos and images such as classic American cars, pin-ups, swallows and nautical stars are becoming more popular on girls chests, abdomen, back and legs.

Floral tattoos - So many girls are getting flower tattoos as full sleeve tattoos or covering their entire back or legs with floral designs. Flower tattoo designs such as lotus flowers, peonies, orchids, chrysanthemums and flowering vines are the most popular.

Anime - Japanese animation has become massive and doesn't show any sign of disappearing any time soon. As a result Anime tattoos have become popular in the past five years or so. The only risk with Anime tattoo is that unlike other styles will probably age much quicker even though it looks great now.

Amazing Tattoo Designs Especially Military Tattoos Picture Gallery - a84a9b8b1740478fa11a0186b233dd56

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Friday 15 October 2010

Full Body Japanese Tattoo Art Design Picture Gallery

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Thursday 14 October 2010

The Foot Tattoo and Its Popularity

There are great differences among tattoos in today's world, which is why they represent a great way by which to express your individuality. You are in control of deciding what kind of tattoo you want and where on your body you want to display it. This means that what may be the best one for you, may not suit other people at all. But don't despair if you are still not entirely certain just what part of your body you want to have a tattoo on. You may consider a foot tattoo. These kinds of tattoos are very popular these days.

Here are some things to consider:

Tattoo sessions on the foot tend to be more painful, as a rule. The reason is due to the fact that the skin is close to the bone. And the closer the bone is to the skin, the more painful a tattoo will be. Tattoos on the foot, though, will be smaller, so you won't have to put up with the pain for long.

Foot tattoos are also more easily concealed than any other kinds. If you hope to have a professional job some day, concealment might come in handy, since in professional jobs tattoos are usually not in. So your ability to conceal a foot tattoo is a good thing.

But you should be aware of the fact that during the healing process you can't enclose your tattooed foot in a shoe, so open shoes are in order. The healing time for a tattoo is usually 2 to 3 weeks. If you can't avoid wearing shoes, then keep in mind that you must have 2 pairs of light socks on.

Did you know that a foot tattoo is considered sexy? There are many opinions about the types of tattoos that look good on people. The thing about foot tattoos is that even people who don't as a rule like tattoos, seem to like them on the foot.

Foot tattoos are likely to need touching up from time to time. The reason for this is due to extra exposure to conditions less favorable than on other parts of your body. A foot tattoo may also spread and end up looking blurry.

Star designs or words or even flowers are popular foot tattoos. But there is no reason why you can't engage your tattoo artist to help you create something really different. If you do want a larger and more complex tattoo than those in the ordinary runs of the mill, keep in mind that these will be more painful and more expensive, too.

Sunday 3 October 2010

Bloom and Shine With Colors of Flower Tattoo Designs

Bloom and Shine With Colors of Flower Tattoo Designs

The trendiest amongst female tattoos are certainly the flower tattoo designs. Gentle leaves and stems usually remind of gentleness in women and their femininity. It is not of common knowledge how many floral designs are available. It is even less known about all those flowers and their particular meanings. Whenever you decide on getting a tattoo, be sure that a certified and skilled tattoo artist deals with your skin. It does not matter what part you are going decorate with these beautiful body arts. Important thing is that you do not regret it due to poor hygiene in performance. Keep in mind that applying your favorite flower onto your skin is very painful. Remember - once you might wish to take it off. It hurts, as well.

However, more and more women get their bodies ornamented with this beautiful and ancient body art of tattoo. Celtic crosses and Sanskrit are getting more popular by each day. On the other hand, women will still decide on flower tattoo designs. The reasons may be many. As in language signs, flowers also have their specific meanings. A carefully chosen flower certainly reflects the attitude of its bearer. A rose is never similar to lilac or daffodil - they all carry different meanings.Women decide on flowers for other reasons, too. It is not only about the significance of meaning. It is about a fabulous choice in shapes and colors. Whenever it comes to flowers, they are certain the tattoos will be perfectly harmonized, colorful and eye-catching. It is not a wonder these designs retain their popularity. It is a challenge in choice of colors, shapes and meaning. For this reason, some women will go for various combined designs. It is not rare seeing a beautiful rose or a lotus flower, combined with a snake, thorny tree or simply leaves. However adventurous the choice is, every woman is certain once she chooses her favorite flower and the tattoo design. It is practically impossible not be original in picking such designs. They are always modern, yet stylish and gentle on a woman's skin.

What actually makes floral tattoo designs so different and wanted in comparison to others? It is the mere ability of the bearer to express personality with choosing the most adequate flower. With fabulous colors included, the results are absolutely outstanding. Flowers are like human beings. Once born, they are destined to bloom, ripe and eventually die. It is no wonder women like to relate themselves to flowers. Through literature and other lines of art, women were usually related to flowers, as gentle and cherished as only flowers can be.

Saturday 2 October 2010

Monday 27 September 2010

Zodiac Tattoo Designs - Taurus Tattoo Ideas

Zodiac Tattoo Designs - Taurus Tattoo Ideas

As a person born under Taurus, you are cautious, practical and persistent. While you will spend some time in thinking through a course of action, once you have made a decision you will follow it through to the end. It then takes a lot to put you off course. You have dogged determination. You do not take kindly to being pushed into something over which you do not have some control. You like to control you own life and your destiny.

You stand by your friends and go to great lengths to help them when they are in trouble. They know they can depend on you. You are sensitive and patient - a good friend to have. You are modest, generous and peace loving with an even-tempered nature most of the time. What Taurus Zodiac tattoo design will help you express one or more of these traits?

Taurus Tattoo Designs
Taurus is regarded as a feminine sign, even though the symbol of a bull is masculine. The planet Venus, whose colour is pink, rules it. It is also one of the fixed Zodiac signs, along with Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius. These signs are associated with great willpower.

Taurus tattoos are, of course, the image of the bull. But this can be represented in a number of ways: a set of horns, a head or a full body. The full body is popular but you need a big area such as a thigh or back. Because of one side of your nature you may wish to show a strong, forceful image to express your strong will and determination. On the other hand, you may want a softer image to express your feminine side. You can do this by adding stars or flowers or putting some pink into the picture. The Taurus Zodiac symbol itself lends itself to this very well.

Celtic Taurus Tattoos

Taurus tattoos done in the Celtic style introduce and element of mystery and mythology. The Celts revered nature and animals. They made animal images an important part of their artwork. An image of the bull, whole or in part, can be worked into a knotwork design to give an artistic and meaningful tattoo. There is a spiritual aspect to this as there is a connection to your star sign and to an ancient people - maybe to your own cultural history. A Celtic Taurus tattoo will provoke interest and discussion.

Tribal Taurus Tattoo

The Tribal tattoo style always makes a strong statement. This could suit the image of the bull. It could also suit you as you may want to show your strong, determined side - the side that makes you hang in there when others falter or give up; the side that says you are in charge of you life and your destiny. Tribal tattoos have plenty of flexibility. They can make a strong statement with a minimalist design or they can do it with a great deal of flourish and embellishment.

As a person born under Taurus, if you are determined to find your own unique Zodiac tattoo design, you will not give up until you do.

Wednesday 22 September 2010

Tribal Tattoo Designs Bring Primitive Art to Life

Tribal art tattoos look great, but more importantly, every tribal design has a deeper meaning. When choosing a tribal tattoo, you should consider these meanings, and make sure that you believe in the statement that you are making.

Choosing A Tribal Design Tattoo

There are several different tribal tattoo designs to choose from. There are tribal zodiac designs, suns and stars, religious symbols, and even tribal band tattoos. Each design has a meaning, be it spiritual or societal. This has been the case since ancient times, when tattoos were used either to mark affiliation with a group, or religious, magical, or spiritual beliefs.

Some of the oldest known tribal tattoos existed thousands of years ago. Many of these tattoos depicted the sun and stars to honor the Sun God and the element of fire. Tribal sun tattoos, as well as stars, can vary in size and detail. This makes them adaptable for any part of your body, though the shoulders and back seem to be the most popular locations. If you want to get creative, you can make a chain of tribal stars with a tribal sun image as the center point.

Another choice of recent popularity is zodiac tribal tattoos. The zodiac is the first known celestial coordinate system. The Greek and Roman zodiac is the most popular, but cultures all over the world have applied astrological meaning to the stars for millenia. While there is no scientific basis, many people identify with the traits of their zodiac sign. If you are one of these people, a tribal zodiac tattoo may be right for you.
As stated, tattoos have represented religious meaning for many years. Because of this, many people have chosen to represent their beliefs in primitive ways with a tribal design of religious symbols. Depending on your beliefs, you may want to do some research before you make your decision. The key is to make sure that you use a symbol that is most meaningful to you. From there, you can be creative in your design, or allow your tattoo artist to design a tattoo for you.

Saturday 18 September 2010

Women Rib Tattoos - Sexy Body Tattoo Design For Women

If you are a tattoo enthusiast, women rib tattoos are considered to be the sexiest location to get a body ink. However, getting a tattoo at the side of your rib is not for the faint hearted. Side rib tattoo is being done on the part which is very close to the bone, the pain during the tattoo process will be more intense because there is less flesh to cushion the penetrating needle.
Women Rib Tattoos
When getting a tattoo on the rib, choosing the right design is very important. When selecting a pattern, it is best to choose a big design since the space on your rib is quite large. With a big design, most probably it will take you more than one session to complete the tattoo. Therefore, a girl getting a tattoo on her rib can be a very long and painful experience.
Women Rib Tattoos
Generally a rib body ink is done from the hip to the area underneath the armpit. Alternatively, the ink can also be placed from the lower stomach all the way to the side of the breast. For women who are adventurous, the tattoo can even be drawn all the way to the nipple.
Women Rib Tattoos
Some of the most common tattoo design on the ribs of women are flowers with complete leaves and stems and covered with vibrant colors. Some of the most popular flowers tattoo designs preferred by women are lilies, roses, lotus, hibiscus, cherry blossom, orchids etc. Floral tattoos on the rib cage is very attractive and portray a sense of femininity.
Women Rib Tattoos
Female rib tattoos are really sexy because it shows the shape and natural curves of a woman's body. Since the ink is so close to her breast, it automatically makes the tattoo look extra sexy and attractive. If you are planning to get a new tattoo and you can tolerate the pain, a tattoo on the side of your rib can be a good choice.

Monday 13 September 2010

The Best Tribal Tattoo Designs For Men

When it comes to getting a tattoo for a guy, your options may seem limited unless you design your own artwork. Luckily the tribal is not only widely accepted for both men and women; it can be turned and tweaked to make it your own. When you start your search try looking at tribal tattoo designs for men for some good ideas.

The tribal tattoos have over 5 different styles and can even include symbols with mythological origins. The options for customizing your tribal tattoo are endless. Choosing the best tribal design for you will ultimately depend on your personal tastes and personality. These tattoos can even be a great way to showcase your hard earned muscle and other fit areas.

A tribal sign depicts strength and character and often times that is fitting for the people who choose to get them as ink.

Tribal tattoo designs for men can be found as online and paper catalogs, and can easily be found on major search engines image results like Google, and Bing. Searching through drawings, designs and photos of other people's tattoos will help give you an idea of the different options. Finding one that fits your career line or hobbies will also be a factor.

If you are required to cover all artwork at your job, get tattoos in area that are easily hidden by clothing. You wouldn't want to jeopardize your income for a small piece of body artwork. You should put a lot of time and thought into choosing your tattoo because after all, it is with you forever. When you are looking for tribal tattoo designs for men be sure to make the image your own before putting it on your body. Add some different curves, swishes or swirls to set the design apart from the original.

If you find yourself still undecided after searching through what seems to be hundreds of pictures, don't get too frustrated. Why not go straight to the tattoo artist him/herself to draw up your design. Most tattoo artists have hundreds of ideas for tribal tattoo design for men so asking them may uncover an unseen design. The best tribal design for you could be an upper back, bicep, or full back tattoo.

One of the most important factors to how large you want your tattoo is how much money you want to pay to have your artwork created.