Monday 27 April 2009

Getting a Tattoo

7 Tips to Consider Prior to Getting a Tattootattoo parlor

If you are thinking about getting a tattoo, take a moment to consider your answers to the following 7 questions.

1. Is the tattoo artist experienced? This is perhaps the most important thing to consider before hiring any one particular tattoo artist.

2. Will the tattoo image be as important to you in the future as it is right now? For instance, if your tattoo will be in celebration of a love interest, are you absolutely certain that person will be there 10, 20 or even 50 years from now?

3. Why do you want to get the tattoo?

4. Are you prepared to deal with possible consequences that may arise out of getting a tattoo? This may include an infection or severe soreness of the skin at the site of the tattoo.

5. Do you have a design in mind? If you don't, stop by the local tattoo parlor and ask to see some samples of what is available.

tattoo artist

6. Can you afford the tattoo? The larger the tattoo, the larger the cost. Even the smallest tattoo can be expensive, especially if you are on a budget.

7. Do you have a fear of needles? If you do, tattoos may not be for you. There is no other way to say it, but getting a tattoo is painful. It does involve needles and you should really consider your level of tolerance before signing up for a tattoo.

Can you afford the cost associated with surgery? The only way to remove a tattoo is through surgery, which can be very expensive. Unless it is for medical reasons, most health insurance policies will not cover the cost of a tattoo removal. This means that the patient will often find themselves with 100% of the financial responsibility and, before getting a tattoo, you should make sure that you will be financially able to handle any future medical procedures that are associated with a tattoo.

Before deciding on getting a tattoo or having one removed, the patient must consult a licensed medical doctor for medical advice and/or to determine the best course of action for his/her individual healthcare needs.
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Saturday 25 April 2009

Tattoo Remover With Laser Technology

tattoo pigment

With the proliferation of tattoos in recent years, doctors have seen an increase in the number of people requesting tattoo removal . Lasers work by producing short pulses of intense light that pass harmlessly through the top layers of the skin to be selectively absorbed by the tattoo pigment . During laser tattoo removal, the laser is used to selectively target and destroy the tattoo without damaging the surrounding tissue, which greatly decreases scarring.

tattoo pigment

Lasers have differing wavelengths and pulse durations, and different laser beams are absorbed by specific colors, allowing physicians to choose the precise combination of lasers for the depth and color of a particular tattoo as well as for multi-colored tattoos. With any tattoo, color is very important. Tattoos need to have an equal balance of color, along with the right shape. Today, electronic tattoo machines are the most common methods of tattooing. With electronic tattoo guns, the ink is injected into the skin by a group of needles that are attached to a bar. If an experienced tattoo artist uses the gun, the results can be amazing. With the right tattoo artist and the right application technique - you should have a tattoo that you can be proud of.

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Thursday 23 April 2009

Find Tattoo Removal

tattoo removal

Plenty of consumers are seeking , as laser skin treatments, clear skin, professional appearances and so on are growing concerns. There exist lots of methods to proceed in finding a good tattoo removal professional. There exist more sources than ever to find a great deal ontattoo removing assistance and also receive quality.

Many people are seeking a great tattoos removing experts, but how will you proceed in finding tattoos removal assistance? There exist still other places to look for a tattoo removal experts in your city. Your local newsletters and circulars may also have deals on tattoo removing assistance in ads and classifieds. The Internet is an obvious but also underused method to find a tattoo removal professional.

tattoo removal

You may search the Internet as many good area and city directories will have links to tattoos removing experts websites. Researching the Internet for " " or "tattoos removal assistance" will likely provide you with several options. Because laser skin treatments, clear skin, professional appearances are in demand, the Internet is a great place to also read experiences directly from individuals who have received great meetings with tattoo removing assistance in your city. Look at professional organizations like The American Academy of Dermatology, Canadian Dermatology Association, British Association of Cosmetic Doctors.

tattoo removal

Examples include dermatologists, physicians, laser hair removal experts, nurses and others. With laser skin treatments, clear skin, professional appearances being so demanded, tattoo removing assistance is in large demand. And, saving money on tattoos removal assistance is straight forward if you realize where to search. A tattoos removing experts will likely provide good discounts and special deals. Because of the growth of tattoos removal assistance, you will find specials in any location. It is now possible to find a great deal on tattoo removing assistance while additionally getting excellent quality.

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Tuesday 21 April 2009

Welsh Red Dragon Tattoos

dragon tattoo

The is one of the single most popular for those of Welsh heritage and family roots in Wales, as popular as the Rampant Lion is with the Scots, or the Lion Standard with the English. A symbol with a rich and ancient heraldic past, the Welsh dragon tattoo design contain a fascinating history - just one of the many reasons it makes such a wonderful and powerful tattoo symbol that represents Welsh heritage.

The red dragon and art has been prominent in the folklore of most cultures, so many physical characteristics are present or absent in great variations around the world and include combinations of numerous animals. The Welsh national flag has a dragon on it it has two equal horizontal stripes, white above green, and a large red dragon passant. Folklore says that red dragon represents Wales and the white dragon represents the invading Saxons.

To choose welsh red dragon tattoos or any dragon tattoo art that is symbolic of a particular culture it may pay to research and just inform yourself of its significance so you can discuss it with people who inquire about your Welsh Dragon Tattoo Design.

red dragon tattoo

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Thursday 16 April 2009

Phoenix Tattoo Design

Phoenix Tattoo Design

A Phoenix Tattoo Design is Hot!

The phoenix incorporates notions of life, rebirth and renewal. If you are contemplating a phoenix bird tattoo you need to take these values into account. Also, a phoenix bird of fire tattoo must be of sufficient size to make an impact. This is a magnificent bird and deserves respect - size is important. You simply can't represent the idea of eternal life with a small tattoo! With so many tattoo designs around it can be somewhat bewildering trying to figure out which one is right for you. There are many factors to take into account but, essentially, the most important factor is decoding the meaning behind the . Ask yourself, "What does this design represent?" It's true that some tattoos are loads of fun and don't really have any significance - nothing wrong with that! But a phoenix tattoo doesn't really fall into that category. has a definite purpose and significance which you need to know about before going ahead and getting this tattoo design inked.

The Magnificent Phoenix

So who or what is the phoenix? Well, this mythological bird is extremely mystical and enigmatic. Because of this, it is a very popular motif in tattoo artwork around the world. This bird's origins are believed to lie in the ancient country of Ethiopia in Africa. The bird's name is connected with 'fire' and the color 'red.' Amongst other ideas, the phoenix incorporates notions of life, rebirth and renewal. This is a great symbol for 'starting again' or 'washing away the old.' If you are contemplating a phoenix bird tattoo you need to take these values into account. Also, a phoenix bird of must be of sufficient size to make an impact. This is a magnificent bird and deserves respect - size is important. You simply can't represent the idea of eternal life and rebirth with a small tattoo!

Phoenix Tattoo DesignFinding a Suitable Design

If you have made up your mind to get a phoenix tattoo design, the next stage in your planning should involve research into finding a suitable design. There are hundreds (if not thousands) of tattoo galleries, both online and offline, from which you can choose your perfect phoenix tattoo. These galleries are usually full of color and are a pleasant way to while away the time as you make up your mind.

However, try not to get too distracted by the dozens of alternative designs available. Stick to the phoenix design!Vitally important in your final decision should be the color and size; you have to like the design, but it also has to coordinate and blend and all these elements must match if your design is to be esthetically pleasing. A balance is, therefore, needed: not too many similar or contrasting colors. Your tattoo will be with you for a long, long time so make sure it doesn't look awkward or out of place.

Finally, once you've decided on a phoenix tattoo design, you should spend a good deal of time with your chosen tattoo artist and explain exactly what it is that you are looking for and maybe even suggest a few alternate phoenix designs. Who knows, between you both you may come up with a new 'hybrid' phoenix design. It's a big decision, so take your time and 'live' with the various designs for a period of time before finally having it inked.

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Monday 6 April 2009

That Tattoo Worth the Cost Years Later

tattoo removalMany people do not think of the repercussions that getting a tattoo can have. Tattoos are not readily accepted by everyone everywhere you go. People will look at you differently if you have a tattoo, it is not right but this is the truth. If you plan on having a professional career in a corporate environment you might want to think twice about getting a tattoo.

Many believe that since the tattoo can go on so easily the tattoo can come off just as easily. Tattoo removal can be quite complicated and is not always successful. The colors that were used for the tattoo can play a large role in the success of its removal since colors like black are more easily removed than colors like green or red. Laser tattoo removal is not a pleasant procedure to have done. Removing a tattoo is much like getting a tattoo in the sense of time. The larger the tattoo is the longer it takes to have it removal

One other very painful fact that isn't physical pain is the cost of having tattoo removal procedures done. Medical insurance will often not cover tattoo removal procedures so this makes having a tattoo removed impossible for some people. Since the procedure is considered to be cosmetic, insurance companies classify it as unnecessary and therefore the cost is solely on the person to have the tattoo removed.

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Saturday 4 April 2009

The most current in style lower back tattoos

lower back tattoos

The most current in style lower back tattoos are:

- Angel tattoos project a forward thinking belief in life and it is believed that when a man wears an angel tattoo the he likes the ladies!

- The most popular cross tattoos for the lower back is the Christian cross. Other cross designs that are popular are the Celtic, Egyptian or Russian cross and look especially good in the centre of the lower back.

- Dragon tattoos are very popular and look great as a lower back tattoo especially when they are big and are wrapped around the body with their wings spanning across the lower back and breathing fire up the spine. They actually signify authoritative, fierce, and liberated personalities.

- The popular trend for star tattoos is to have them placed in the centre of the lower back or on the hips. As these designs are small they can be discretely hidden.

lower back tattoo

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Thursday 2 April 2009

Hollywood Celebrities Tattoos

hollywood Celebrities tattoo

Over the years have caught rage with to such an extent that more than these stars their tattoos are getting more attention. One of the biggest stars who carry tattoos with élan is Angelina Jolie and has been know to wear a number of tattoos all around her body.

celebrities tattoo

The trend of tattoos started catching up with Hollywood celebrities in the sixties and as far as I can remember Janis Joplin was one of the first celebrities who got tattooed by Lyle Tuttle who is considered to be the forefather of American tattooing. Even one of the sexiest celebrities on Earth Johnny Depp has been known to sport tattoo on his arms which a number of fans have emulated.

hollywood celebrities tattoo

Even rock bands have been found to sport tattoos giving a further push to the popularity of this art. Other stars such as Pharrel, 50 cents and Justin Timberlake too have been sporting tattoos as a tool for expression. You can probably consider celebrities as unofficial brand ambassador for tattoos.

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